Machine Learning With SecOps

mayank agrawal
3 min readJul 1, 2020


We all know that security is big concern of every big firm. There are lots of cyber attack like DoS, SQL Injection Attacks (SQLi),Malware Attacks etc. I take or considered a DoS attack in which same ip is hitting the web server multiple times.

In this article i created CI/CD pipeline for same, where my logstash takes the input from the web server log, we know that every server generates log where it stored the lots of information like ip addresses, httpd_code, no of bytes transferred, timestamp and this logstash creates the ouput in csv format. Now the Role of machine learning comes in play Machine learning reads the generated data from logstash then we apply K-means clustering algorithm this model generates the cluster of different IP’s and i set the threshold if any ip hit the web server more than 100 times it will automatically blocks.

So now let’s directly jump to code

  1. First i create the the pipeline for log stash where my input comes from httpd log

input {
file {
id => “input”
path => [“/logs/access_log”]
start_position => beginning

filter {
grok {
match => [“message” , “%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}”]
mutate {
convert => {
“response” => “integer”
“bytes” => “integer”
date {
match => [ “timestamp”, “dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z” ]
locale => en
remove_field => “timestamp”

output {
csv {
id => “output”
fields => [“clientip”,”response”]
path => “/usr/share/logstash/logs.csv”

Now run this code using docker.

#docker run -it — name logstash — rm — net elknet -v var/log/httpd:/logs -v /mlsecops:/conf/apache.conf logstash:7.7.1 -f /conf/apache.conf

And here is my ML Code

import pandas as pd

dataset = pd.read_csv(‘/mlsecops/logs.csv’, names=[‘IP’,’Web_Code’])



dataset = dataset.groupby([‘IP’,’Web_Code’]).Web_Code.agg(‘count’).to_frame(‘Count’).reset_index()


dataset.insert(0, ‘SNo’, range(len(dataset)))


train_data = dataset.drop([‘IP’], axis=1)

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
sc = StandardScaler()
scaled_data = sc.fit_transform(train_data)

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

model = KMeans(n_clusters=4)


data_with_pred = pd.DataFrame(scaled_data, columns=[‘IP_Scaled’, ‘Web_Code_Scaled’,’Count_Scaled’])
data_with_pred[‘Cluster’] = pred
final_data = pd.concat([dataset, data_with_pred], axis=1, sort=False)

cluster_to_block = []
for index, row in final_data.iterrows():
if final_data[‘Count’].loc[index] > 100:
cluster_to_block = max(set(cluster_to_block), key = cluster_to_block.count)

import numpy as np
from os import system

Block_IP_data = pd.read_csv(‘DoS.csv’)
for index_in_data, row_in_data in final_data.iterrows():
if final_data[‘Cluster’].loc[index_in_data] == cluster_to_block:
if final_data[‘IP’].loc[index_in_data] not in np.array(Block_IP_data[‘Block_IP’]):
Block_IP_data = Block_IP_data.append({‘Block_IP’ : final_data[‘IP’].loc[index_in_data],

for index, row in Block_IP_data.iterrows():
if Block_IP_data[‘Status’].loc[index] == ‘No’:
system(“iptables -A INPUT -s {0} -j DROP”.format(Block_IP_data[‘Block_IP’].loc[index]))
Block_IP_data[‘Status’].loc[index] = ‘Yes’

Block_IP_data.to_csv(‘/mlsecops/DoS.csv’, index=False)

This is my Jenkins CI/CD pipeline

job 1:

Job 2:

Job 3:

This is my CI/CD pipeline.



mayank agrawal
mayank agrawal

Written by mayank agrawal

I am devops enthusiast always trying to learn new technologies and try to implement in real world to solve real use cases. Creative integrator

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